18th July, 2023: Lots of people came and joined the CULT OF CUPCO!! A huge selction of work icluding (but not limited to) over 50 new handmade dolls, avrious hand-stitched and embellished persian rugs and a whole lot of new work made from golden carpet underlay, sponges, IGA shopping bags and whatever I could get my hands on. Thanks to everyone for coming – Thanks to my loved ones – Thanks to Damien Minton for hosting!!!!
Here’s the blurb from the show:
Cupco!? is 50 and like any self-respecting artist or human has decided it’s time to start a cult!
Death Cult? Sex Cult? Who knows? This is the beginning of something big and beautiful as CUPCO!? explores what it takes to make a really great cult! You’ll see Aum Shinrikyo, the Moonies, Fundamentalist Mormons, Gumby, flower children and the most evil, despicable, incipient cult of all: THE SMURFS!!